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Core Sampling

We are able to effectively assess what is happening with the soil structure below the turf by taking soil core samples.

Using the results of the soil samples we can make recommendations for your golf course. Your green keepers and grounds men will be able to implement the correct treatment to remedy the problems.

Our equipment and methods have been developed to ensure your greens, gardens, grounds and plants do not incur any damage. Our solutions are far less invasive than traditional 'trench work' used by many contractors - so no expensive re-turfing or repairs!

What can it show you?

Soil profiling offers a unique opportunity to view a cross section of your constructed soil from anything up to 5m deep in 1m sections, giving you a clear picture of the soil strata and the problems you may have.

The core samples will help identify the reasons why water logging or dry areas are occurring. This cross section view will help diagnose the problem and the depth it occurs.

For example, if your greens are constantly suffering from puddling and water logging and the core samples identify a non permeable layer at a depth of 12" - 18" then the solution could be a series of 1 metre spike & fills' to provide the water a route to permeate to the sub soils or a series of vertical drains.

The knowledge and understanding provided by our core sampling will enable you to save time, improve your drainage systems, improve your turf care and save you money.

Call us on 01784 248 466 to discuss how core sampling could benefit you and for details of our introductory rates.
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Talk to us about drainage solutions on: 01784 248466